Hello! I’ve been absent from this space for quite some time, primarily due to my health.
As many of you may know, back in June I had a laparoscopic excision surgery for endometriosis, and well… The recovery period was more difficult than I was expecting.
Even after I recovered from the surgery itself, I experienced quite an uptick in migraines. (Because having one chronic illness isn’t enough, I have several!) All of this made it difficult to do my day job, let alone keep up with a blog.
I’m happy to report I’m mostly feeling better, and I hope to return to regular blogging in 2022, if not sooner. The frequency will probably be less (two posts a month seems likely), but in the meantime I do have a new pin design that will drop on my Etsy store soon!
Keep an eye on Instagram and this space for updates on that, and other bookish goodies I have in the works. đŸ™‚
Be well and keep reading!
-Kelly the Book Witch